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Will digital intelligence replace biological intelligence?

University of Oxford

Geoffrey Hinton

The public lecture entitled ‘Will digital intelligence replace biological intelligence?’ discussed the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and how to ensure it does not take control of humans, and consequently, wipe out humanity.

13 March 2024

LLM, Social Change



Privacy and AI

The Data Diva

Melih R. Çalıkoğlu

A discussion ranging from topics related to Data Privacy and Artificial Intelligence, including challenges faced by small and medium-sized businesses in complying with Data Privacy laws, the differences between Turkish and EU privacy laws, fines and penalties for non-compliance, and the need for alignment with the GDPR.

12 March 2024

Property rights, Privacy Rights



Scientists warn of AI collapse

Sabine Hossenfelder

Sabine Hossenfelder

This video explores the limitations and shortcomings of AI when creating content on creativity, particularly examining how AI's involvement in producing text, images, audio, and videos might impact the diversity and originality of such content.

4 March 2024

Bias, limits of AI


Article Review

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman speaks at the World Economic Forum

Guardian News

Sam Altman, Mark Benioff, Julie Sweet, Albert Burl, Jeremy Hunt

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, addresses a wide range of topics related to artificial intelligence. The panel includes other notable figures who contribute their perspectives on AI's capabilities, limitations, and societal impact.

21 January 2024

Future of AI, State of AI


Panel Discussion

'Peak Hype' of the AI revolution

CNBC Television

Mustafa Suleyman

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind and CEO/co-founder of Inflection AI, discusses the current state of the AI revolution on CNBC's 'Squawk Box'. He delves into the potential power and pitfalls of AI technology, addressing the heightened expectations and the reality of AI's impact on society and business.

18 January 2024

overestimation, limits of AI



"Godfather of AI" Geoffrey Hinton: The 60 Minutes Interview

60 Minutes

Geoffrey Hinton

In "The 60 Minutes Interview," Geoffrey Hinton, a distinguished AI researcher, discusses his seminal contributions to deep learning and neural networks. He addresses the development, challenges, and prospective future of AI, offering unique insights from his extensive experience in the field.

13 January 2024

warnings, nature of AI



The Exciting, Perilous Journey Toward AGI


Ilya Sutskever

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and chief scientist of OpenAI, discusses the transformative potential and ethical considerations of artificial general intelligence (AGI) in this TED Talk. He addresses the potential for AGI to surpass human intelligence and the need for global collaboration to ensure its safe and beneficial development.

7 January 2024

Artificial General Intelligence, OpenAI, Ethical AI



What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

IBM Technology

Marina Danilevsky

IBM Senior Research Scientist Marina Danilevsky discusses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a method improving large language models' accuracy and relevance by integrating current, reliable facts and ensuring transparent sourcing.

7 January 2024

Retrieval-Augmented Generation, LLM, Trustworthy AI



İnsan Hakları ve Yapay Zeka

Siz TV

Melih R. Çalıkoğlu

An interview with personal data expert Lawyer Melih Rüştü Çalıkoğlu discussing the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights and society on SİZ TV's Human Rights Hour.

7 January 2024

Human Rights, Privacy and Ethics, Social Change



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